Annual Meeting 2016
Time:2016-02-01 15:55 Share...
A big celebration dinner was held by STARCOR on 29th, Jan., 2016, before Chinese New Year. It's like a tradition and also a good memory for everyone to remember, where we had games, put up shows and great dinner and drinks. It's been a terrific year for not only STARCOR, but also for CNCR, the one who has merged STARCOR not long before. The Chairman of it, Mr. Hong Aijin was invited to the STARCOR dinner and leaders took turns to make encouraging and touching speeches which in a way kept us stand as one. The year 2015 is just a fine start, as leaders said. It's already a miracle for such a young company to have achieved so much and have gained good reputations in this business line both domestic and overseas, not to mention the profits' rapid increase. We look forward to more to happen in 2016 and next five years.
In order to create a joyful atmosphere, everyone tried hard to bring some fun into this party by putting on some interstinf shows. But what brought the party to the climax has always been the Prize-giving and the Lucky Draw Time. Big surprises has got people screaming and laughing every now and then. That's the way we celebrate.
As we know that Chinese New Year is a time for reviews and previews. Reviews help us understand what we could do based on our strength and capability and previews give u encouragement to deal with what's in front us and how should we prepare ourselves. We STARCOR people hope you will join us next year!
Add:F8 &16, D6,Tianfu Software Park, Chengdu, P.R.C.